Accept and record
payments on
your PC

Get started in minutes with no monthly costs

Make it simple to accept and track payments

Cards charged by your computer
From any browser, enter and charge credit and debit card payments. There is no need for any specific equipment or gadgets.
Track of all forms of payments
From your computer, accept and record cash, cheques, Gordeon Gift Cards, and other payments.
Text payment requests
Send a secure payment link to consumers through text message so they may enter their credit card information secretly and pay from anywhere.
Any transaction can be divided
Divide every transaction into several payment options, such as cash, Gordeon Gift Cards, or various credit and debit cards.

Take payments from your Mac desktop at any time

Never miss a sale again with Gordeon Charge for Desktop, a free program that allows you to swiftly and effortlessly handle digital payments no matter where you are.

Improve your service using free tools

Expedite checkout
Create an item library of your goods and services, taxes, and discounts so you can bill consumers fast.
Make receipts
Professional receipts may be emailed, texted, or printed from your computer for each payment. With each digital receipt, collect client feedback.
Set up recurring payments
Bill your clients on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis for recurring payments, and securely save customer card information on file.

How to Begin with Virtual Terminal

Manage and Run Your Business More Efficiently
Keep an eye on your business
Use the real-time reporting features in your Gordeon Dashboard to stay up to date.
Improve customer interactions
Gordeon Customer Directory allows you to create customer profiles, add remarks, and examine purchase history.
Quickly access your payment processing money
Get paid as soon as the following business day for free, instantly for a modest fee, or as soon as a payment is charged with free Gordeon Checking.

Learn how to make in-person payments with Virtual Terminal